He’s Got Your Back (by Melanie)
Recently, I was in a discussion with a group of women about how life sometimes feels unpredictable, overwhelming, overloaded, uncontrollable. As women, we have so much on our plates. Our expectations of ourselves are high. Often, our need for control is our worst enemy. As organizers and planners, we want to have order in our lives.…
Read MoreAbandoned or Embraced (by Celeste)
Did God abandon me? As a Christian woman, I almost feel ashamed that I have asked this question on more than one occasion. Sometimes I think that my faith should be so solid and my relationship with God so intimate, that this question never crosses my mind. However, that just isn’t the case. I’m Not…
Read MoreHe woke me up (by attendee Lucinda)
One night I had stayed up much later than I should have since I have to be up for work at 4:00 am. I had been putting the final touches on a big presentation that I needed to give at work the next day. After saying my prayers, I went to bed very, very…
Read MoreShare Saturday from Melanie
God in the Small Things Baking is not one of my strong suits but I love to gather my family together and celebrate special occasions. A few weeks ago we were getting ready to celebrate our daughter Amanda’s birthday. I asked her what she would like for dinner. Her requests included brownies with ice cream,…
Read MoreFastening Our Ties to God
Welcome to February when we celebrate love! We’ve talked quite a bit on this blog about the fact that we need to be in the presence of God’s love in order to love others, to turn our hearts, troubles, and questions over to God. That we need to take these things to Him, because…
Read MoreMen Who Aren’t Our Husbands
Just while searching for images to head up this post, I had the hardest time finding images of men and women that didn’t have sexual or romantic overtones! I believe it’s a lie that men and women can’t work and grow together without developing romantic feelings. I really do. I have more faith in us…
Read MoreUnderstanding Men
I want to get an important idea out into this post right off the bat: as spiritual beings, men and women are equal in value before God. This truth doesn’t mean that they are interchangeable, or that their roles are or should be the same. But respecting the other kind is a spiritual decision, and…
Read MoreLeather and Lace
“We cannot love Adam while we are looking to him to validate us. It will usher in too much fear. If he’s the verdict on us as a woman, we won’t be able to truly and freely offer him our beauty.” John and Staci Eldridge, Captivating Welcome to the year 2016 my beautiful sisters! We…
Read MoreProfile of God’s Women
We’ve been talking about finding God’s purpose for us the last few weeks. I thought I’d illustrate this topic by profiling a woman who really seems to be living out God’s vision for the life that she was given. Let me introduce you to Immaculee Ilibagiza. She is a survivor of the Rwandan holocaust that happened in…
Read MoreGod and Women
Last week we talked about looking for our life purpose, and how to find out what God’s plans for your life may be. But before God can move us into the purpose for which He created us, maybe we need to know for ourselves how God feels about women in general. It’s really simple. He’s crazy…
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